Will as Woody
I happen to be a big fan of Woody Allen, but only a real fanatic would deny that some of his recent efforts have been less-than-stellar. He's a polarizing force, and it seems that ever since that whole shagging his teenage stepchild thing came out, the critical community has been strongly against him. Even the Village Voice has dropped its advocacy of THE New York director.
But there's enough good about Melinda & Melinda that it doesn't deserve to be tossed on the slush pile with Curse of the Jade Scorpion and Hollywood Ending. The premise is simple and unconventional. Two playwrights, one who favors comedy and the other who favors tragedy, argue over dinner whether a particular story would make a better tragedy or comedy. The film then alternates between a tragic and comic version of (basically) the same story.
Both stories have some strong moments, though the comic version is more consistently entertaining. I think it was a mistake to vary a few key details, because it makes them versions of two very similar stories as opposed to versions of the same story. But I'm a firm believer that even lesser Woody Allen is better than most, and worth checking out. My wife and I have an ongoing debate about this. For me, his films aren't so much whole works but pieces in an ongoing conversation. Even in a so-so film like Deconstructing Harry, there are great bursts of ideas. On the other hand, my wife thinks all his films are about a 60-something lech getting it on with another beautiful young starlet. I must concede there is substance to her argument.
But Allen also sidesteps any ill will for his onscreen persona by casting Will Ferrell in what is clearly "the Woody Allen role." I'm a fan of Will Ferrell, but I admit I always feared he was limited to a broad, clowning type of comedy. Not so. Ferrell is the best thing in Melinda & Melinda. Instead of performing some Woody Allen impersonation, Ferrell simply plays the role the way Allen would. It's a fine distinction, but a vital one.
Melinda & Melinda is not a great movie, but it's a pretty good one built around a solid premise. If you're a fan of Woody or Will, I think you'll be entertained.