My friend Mike, a real live Brit, recently ran into the awesome vaccuum that is the California Public Education system.
He was in the checkout lane at the grocery store when the checker, tipped off by his accent (sort of), asked him if he was from France. Mike replied no, he was from London. She replied, "aren't they the same thing."
While many of us would have walked away right then, Mike, always the cultural ambassador, explained that London was, in fact, a city in England. Still convinced that she wasn't being told the whole story, the clerk responded "but, aren't they connected or something."
Again, Mike explained they were nearby, but around 23 miles apart and not connected by land.
Finally convinced that Londan and France were not the same place, the clerk seemed ready to allow Mike to escape with his groceries. But as he moved toward the exit, she hit him behind with yet another astute question.
"What language do they speak in England?"
And people wonder why we Americans are accused of not engaging in the world community. Those who dispute that obviously haven't bought groceries in Orange County.
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