Shadow Government Hides UFO Phenomena

So I watched Peter Jennings special report "U.F.O.'s: Seeing is Believing" the other night. Among the things I learned were that people who study UFOs but have no other scientific standing refer to themselves as "Ufologists," which sounds about as professional as some frat dude calling himself a "boobologist." I was also convinced that, while some sightings are unexplained and fairly incredible, the Roswell thing was pretty much a crock of shit. Just as surprising, apparently that "alien autopsy" show aired on FOX a few years back was a fabrication. I guess the fact that the most amazing revelation in human history needed a strong lead-in from World's Scariest Police Chases should have been a sign that something was awry.

There's an interesting range in the community of believers, from the straight-up scientists at SETI to those who swear they've been obducted and sodomized by aliens. There have clearly been a lot of unexplained objects in the sky. The logical jump that I don't quite follow is assuming that because the object can't be explained, it must be an alien spaceship. But if you think that's a jump, the blog Jennings read on The Daily Show was out of this world. The blogger suggested that the "shadow government" pressured Jennings into doing a recent report claiming Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman, and in exchange the newsman was being allowed to finally break the truth about our contact with aliens. Now that's some first class crazy.

Whatever you think of ufologists, you can't deny they make for some interesting stories. If you don't believe me, check out Coast to Coast with Art Bell, the most entertaining AM call-in show in America.

Taking a cue from the blog community, I've made sure to include in this post phrases like "shadow government" and "conspiracy theory" in shameless hopes of increasing site traffic.

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